"Bear Grylls este cascadorul lui Chuck Norris."
"Biserica ia interzis lui bear grylls sa difuzeze episodul cu tehnici esentiale de supravietuire in iad"
"Bear Grylls poate sa isi tina respiratia cat poate numara Chuck Norris"
"Bear Grylls Goes to the Grocery Store to Buy Milk…But the Milk is Spoiled…Bear Grylls is Sad"
"Bear Grylls la invatzat pe Isus cum poate scapa de pe cruce"
"Cand Bear Grylls a escaladat Everestul a facut pariu cu Chuck Norris ca il poate urca in maini! a pierdut din cauza ca a urcat in doua degete!"
"When Bear Grylls in high in the mountains, the altitude suffers from ‘Bare Grylls’ sickness."
"Bear Grylls was once so hungry he actually did eat a horse. The only thing he spat out was the jockey’s helmet"
"Amongst themselves, lions actually agree that Bear Grylls is the King of the Jungle"
"Why did the Dinosaur cross the road?
Cause he was trying to get [...] away from Bear Grylls who had just ate the chicken two streets away"